Report: Inside Track to the best crypto minds — Learning from crypto insiders

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t” — Bill Nye

They say that opinions are a bit like elbows, everyone has one. In fact, they don’t say that exactly, but it’s close enough for the purposes of this article. Nowhere is that phrase more relevant than the cryptocurrency market.

They also say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, that statement is also relevant here.

The cryptocurrency market is developing fast. Technologies and advances are introduced daily, and new projects are springing up with the kind of frequency akin to the .com boom. Over 1600 new cryptocurrencies have been created in the last 15 months, which is an average of 4 a day. How do we keep up with all this information and still make smart investment decisions?

Many of us follow influencers on various social media platforms whilst others are tuned into communities that discuss the prospects of various cryptocurrencies. Some of us are even members of ‘pump’ groups and simply follow the instructions of the ‘head pumper’. Of course, most of these sources of information are far from impartial. Many of the crypto communities on Reddit indiscriminately pump various cryptos, and that provides the average investor with a problem. Where can he or she go for independent information?

One of the solutions is to listen to the experts. These are the people who are working in the industry. Not the onlookers, journalists, or investment bankers, all of whom don’t really have the slightest clue what is going on at the grass-root level.


“It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes, but an even wiser man to learn from others” — Proverb.

Inside Track is a series of podcasts and videos presented by movers and shakers in the world of cryptocurrency. The goal of Inside Track is to educate the listener in various topics, from bitcoin to projects to watch out for, from the future of Ethereum to NFTs, from DeFi to the next big thing in cryptocurrency.

Inside Track are short bite sized presentations presented by people who have developed or are developing cryptocurrency projects and are hands-on in the industry. They are the best people to learn from.

We are building a comprehensive and in depth knowledge base for the crypto community to benefit from. And it’s all free…

We will be adding new content regularly. Here is a selection of the current line up of podcasts that are available to listen to today.

Christopher Aze from the NFT platform Dark Matter


“Don’t underestimate the size of the NFT community”

Christopher provides a revealing insight into the current state of the NFT market and its future. He also talks about his favorite crypto projects and his view on Ethereum and how it will fare against its many emerging competitors.

Vladimir Tikhomirov from decentralized exchange Rubic

“For mass DeFi adoption we need easy to use user interfaces”

Vladimir talks about Rubic and his vision for decentralized exchanges and in particular the key differences between Binance Chain and Ethereum. He discusses the evolution of Bitcoin and what it is going to take for mainstream adoption of DeFi. Finally he shares some of his favorite projects.

Wes Sharp from NFT platform NFTLootBox

“When the transaction fees are brought down to a reasonable levels I predict Ethereum will absolutely explode”

Wes provides a unique perspective on the future of the NFTmarket. He also reveals some of the major problems platforms are facing on Ethereum right now and his take on Ethereum’s future value.

Tim Frost from leading DeFi platform Yield App


‘The next big thing in the industry… Insurance is another hot space that hasn’t received much attention…’

Tim provides a unique insight into both his project and the DeFi market in general, discussing what mass adoption is going to look like in the decentralized finance space.

Visit our website here to see our current line up of podcasts.

They say knowledge is king but only if you use it effectively. There are a multitude of different sources of information available for the crypto enthusiast. From crypto news provided by the likes of Cointelegraph, to in depth research from Massari, from communities on social media platforms such as Reddit, Twitter and Telegram to impartial platforms such as CryptoQuestion, CoinMonks and CoinSutra.

The problem is with all this information how do we know what to focus our limited time on, one solution is Inside Track. Inside Track not only allows you to discover new interesting projects it also provides you with an insight into what the experts working in the industry think is worth closer attention.

Not Financial Advice

This article does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation to buy in any way. Always do your own research and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Investing in cryptocurrencies is high risk, and you could lose 100% of your investment. The article should be treated as supplementary information to add to your existing knowledge.