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StrongBlock is the first and only blockchain-agnostic protocol to reward nodes for supporting the infrastructure of their blockchain.

STRONG believes it is important to incentivize nodes because with limited resources and no financial incentive many nodes run out-of-date software, maintain incomplete blockchain histories and are intermittently off-line. To solve this, StrongBlock has made it possible for anyone to create a node in seconds and receive STRONG token rewards every day.

They call this “Nodes as a Service”. This allows anyone to create a Full Ethereum node in a few seconds with no technical expertise.

Since the launch of the StrongBlock DeFi node protocol, over 350 nodes have been registered. The total number of nodes number nearly 15,000. STRONG recently announced a tie up with leading DeFi platform Maker DAO, a major endorsement of STRONG’s business model.

According to STRONG each Node earns $20 per day, some people have multiple nodes. That makes this an attractive way of making passive income for anyone with a PC and some IT knowledge which is a definite formula for massive growth.


Our opinion

STRONG has a market cap of $28 million, with a price of $187. That compares to a high of $321. The token has a maximum supply of 535,000. The price has increased over 1,200% since January which under normal circumstances would be a complete turn off but we believe that the news of the partnership with DAO Maker, its modest market cap and limited supply makes this an exceptional opportunity. which justified a risk rating of 6 with a price target of $500. A projected market cap of $70 million still represents good value in our opinion.
